8/29 Galatians 5:25-26
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Keeping in step with the Spirit is our daily task. When our lives are expressing His fruits, we can know we are in step with Him (Galatians 5:22-23). As we grow in sanctification, we become sensitive to His warnings when we are out of step. We sense something is wrong. When we look to the Spirit to show us where we got out of step, He graciously shows us.
Keeping in step with the Spirit is most evident in relations with others. Our family is our elementary training. The church is our high school, where the tests are more difficult. And the world is our college where we find out if we got the basics at home and church. But our final exam is marriage and children. Then we learn there are selfish areas of our life we overlooked in our prior education.
We should be grateful for the gifts and abilities God has given us, but also recognize that God has given different gifts to everyone. When we acknowledge our weaknesses and the unique strengths and gifts of others, conceit, provocation, and envy have no place. Those attitudes are out of step with the Spirit who convicts us of our own sin. Those attitudes are contrary to the first fruit of the Spirit, love.
Consider: Take a moment to examine your heart right now and see if conceit, provocation, and envy have been rising up in you. Allow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to show you how ungodly those attitudes are. Confess your sins to God. Ask for a fresh infilling of the Spirit, and then keep in step with Him.