EveningOctober 6
Ephesians 6:10-12 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Paul's final suggestion to the churches of Asia Minor was to be completely prepared for spiritual battle. Roman soldiers had a set of tools and clothing that helped them to be fully prepared. Paul related each article to something we need spiritually to be prepared for the spiritual battles we face.
Our passage today is not about the armor, but about our attitude and understanding, so that we can use the armor properly. First, it must be the Lord's strength that we rely on and not our own. If you are thinking that you can't make it through the battle, you are right. Only the Lord's strength can see you through. Do not rely on your ability but on His.
Put on the full armor. I encourage you to read about each piece. Don't get cocky and think you don't need part of it. Our adversary is cunning and looks for weak spots. Don't present any to him.
Realize that it is not a flesh and blood battle. That seems obvious, but part of the enemy's tactic is to get you to think it is personally between you and an individual or group. Then you become bitter, and the enemy has the upper hand. Always look past the individuals to the spiritual realm where the battle is really raging. There are spiritual forces manipulating weak individuals to get at you. They work through lust, jealousy, greed and every fleshly desire to cause people to try to get you off track and out of the Spirit.
Take your stand against Satan's schemes. Realize where the battle is really coming from. Fight with the Word of God and prayer. Keep your shield of faith up, trusting in the Lord to bring about good, because you are His.
Prayer: Lord, help me see where the battle is coming from and not to fight it on my own.