10/1 Colossians 1:13
13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.
The domain of darkness is becoming more visible as our culture declines. Being in that domain meant we couldn't see the evil around us and recognize how destructive it is. We couldn't see the glory and grace of Christ and realize how precious His attributes should be to us. We practiced self-destructive behavior and suffered the consequences, and then we turned around and did it all over again.
We notice that domain in the illogical arguments of the world. Things that are now obvious to us just can't be understood by those still in the domain of darkness. We look at the same facts and come to completely different conclusions. Those in darkness simply can't see what is right in front of them.
Now we are in the kingdom of God's beloved Son. That means that King Jesus lovingly instructs us. He shows us the purpose for which we were created. He daily reveals Himself and His love for us to a greater extent. We can see a little more every day. What a blessing it is to be delivered! How we should long to see others delivered too!
Consider: Are you taking full advantage of being under King Jesus by listening to His gracious directions today?