8/12 2 Corinthians 8:9
9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.
The apostle Paul had a sense of the great contrast between Jesus in the heavenly realm and the incarnate Christ. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul explained that Jesus had to empty himself to become incarnate (Philippians 2:7). He had direct fellowship with the Father without any hindrances. Like the Father, He was omnipresent, present everywhere. The angels would have fallen down before His glory and sung His praise. He was never hungry, thirsty, or tired. His feet never ached after a long day's walk.
Suddenly, He was confined within a woman's womb. Then He was delivered in a manger. He was dependent on Joseph and Mary to feed Him. I imagine He was mocked as a child for being "the good boy." His actions and words were often misinterpreted. He was insulted, ridiculed, and rejected by His own creation. That was certainly becoming poor. It was for our sake. There was no other way for Him to redeem us.
Worst of all was the torture of the cross. Not only was it the manner of execution reserved for the worst of criminals, but it meant dark hours of separation from the Father,-the worst of all conditions-as Jesus bore our sins. The contrast with His heavenly condition could not have been greater. The demonstration of His love could not have been clearer (John 15:13). He gave it all up for you and me. Now He has returned to His glorious state and is waiting to receive us.
Consider: If Jesus gave up that much for me, is there anything I should not be willing to give up for Him?