6/14 2 Chronicles 15:7

7 But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded."

The prophet Azariah spoke these words to godly King Asa. Asa had just been successful against a far-superior force, but he was not courageous enough to confront the idolatry going on all around him by his own people. Asa's father, Abijah, set the bad example of not removing the idols from the land. That is why God had allowed there to be wars and trouble, to turn them back to worship Him alone. When King Asa heard this prophecy, he did take courage. He decided to deal with all the idolatry his father tolerated. He even removed his mother from her position because she was an idolater, and he crushed and burned her idol.

The word of the prophet gave him the courage to do what his father had not done. The people of the entire southern kingdom committed themselves to serving the LORD alone. What great results from this word of encouragement from the LORD! But isn't this true for all of us? If we seek the LORD with our whole hearts and do not fear what others think, if we give God our all in doing what we know is His will, won't He reward our work as well? Of course He will!

First we must take courage. Not only will the godly back us when we do what is right, but the LORD will bless our efforts. We will face opposition, and should not allow ourselves to slack off because of it. We must be courageous. God is with us, so we should not fear. The reward might not be as obvious as it was for King Asa, but God will reward us. He is faithful and just.

Consider: Are there things around you that you know are wrong, and yet you have silently put up with them? Perhaps God is speaking to you through the words of the prophet. Take courage! Don't let your hands be weak. Your work will be rewarded.