MorningJune 11
2 Samuel 22:2-4 2He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; 3my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior– from violent men you save me. 4I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.
After David was delivered from the hand of Saul and all the enemies of Israel, he sang this song. He gave all the credit to God for his victories. He recognized that it was all the grace and presence of the LORD in his life. He sang of all that the Lord meant to him. Have you ever looked back over all that you have been through and given God praise for His goodness? If you do, you will probably find many of the same things David saw. You might not express it the same, but you will find the same wonderful working in your life. A rock, hasn't God been the one unshakable rock amidst all the changes in your life? A fortress, hasn't He been the one place you could run to for safety in the storms of life? My Deliverer, not only has He delivered each of us from impossible situations, but most of all from the chains of sin. The strength of my salvation, your salvation is secure, because it was earned by the Mighty One who paid the price owed in full. A stronghold, a refuge, the One to Whom we run whenever we are overwhelmed or lacking in strength. My Savior! He is our superman and much more. He saved us from an evil worse than any super-villain and has wonderful plans for us. Yes! He is worthy of praise. He has saved you. He is saving you. He will save you. What a mighty God we serve.
Meditate on all that God has been toward you and turn it into a song of praise.