EveningFebruary 21
Matthew 10:37-39 37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
The word of God tells us to love one another. It also tells us to honor our father and mother. What is Jesus saying here? Our mother and father and children and even our very life are all gifts from God. Our primary love and allegiance is to the Giver of all good things. If we love what He has given us, more than the One that gave it, we have entered into the realm of idolatry. This all surpassing love can only come through a revelation of His great love for us. Love produces love.
Jesus goes on to say that if we do not take up our cross and follow, we are not worthy of Him. When a criminal was sentenced to crucifixion, the judge ordered the cross beam to be secured to the victim's arms and back. He had to carry it to his place of execution. Once that beam was on your back, you were as good as dead. He then followed the soldiers to the place of execution. Do you see the implications when Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me"? We must ask ourselves whether or not we have that mind set. Is your life over and His life in you begun, or do you still go where you please?
If you find your life, you will lose it. If we go where we please and find satisfaction in things of the world, our life will be lost. That is Jesus' explanation of reality. The only way to really find life is to lose it for Jesus' sake. The listeners had not yet seen the final display of His love for them. Perhaps it was His compassion and the miracles that helped them look beyond themselves. We can look at His display of love on the cross and see that He was literally willing to die for us.
Consider: Shouldn't we willingly do so for Him?