2/6 Genesis 41:38
38 And Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?"
Joseph served for years in the prison, probably wondering if the dreams God had given him would ever come to pass. One day the butler and baker of the Pharaoh were put in prison in Joseph's care. They had dreams, and Joseph interpreted the dreams with the help of the LORD. One of the men was restored to his position, but he did not keep his promise to tell Pharaoh about the injustice done to Joseph. Surely Joseph's hopes were raised, and as time passed he must have become discouraged.
Then Pharaoh had a dream and the butler remembered Joseph. The LORD helped Joseph interpret the Pharaoh's dream. Pharaoh recognized that Joseph was wise because the Spirit of God was in him. He made him second in command of the entire nation and in charge of storing up grain for the coming famine.
Joseph's story is one of patient perseverance. The many years of injustice did not deter his faithfulness to God. He persisted regardless of the circumstances. Many times in life we will not see what God is doing, but if we are to be useful for God's service, we must have the same patient, faithful perseverance. Our communion with the Holy Spirit can grow deeper in times of trial so that when the opportunity comes to make a real difference, we are able to hear His voice.
Prayer: LORD, please help me to patiently and faithfully persevere regardless of My circumstances. Deepen my communion with Your Spirit so that I learn to discern Your voice from my own. And when the time comes that I may be useful to You, help me follow Joseph's example of giving You all the credit.