4/11 John 7:31

31 Yet many of the people believed in him. They said, "When the Christ appears, will he do more signs than this man has done?"

John the Beloved has an emphasis on signs in his Gospel. The first sign was the turning of water into wine (John 2:11). The second sign was the healing of an official's son at the word of Jesus (John 4:54). Various other signs appear throughout the Gospel (John 6:2; 6:26; 7:31; 9:16; 11:47; 12:28-30; 20:30). Perhaps the people were equating the miracles of Jesus with the signs that Moses gave to show that he was the promised deliverer (Exodus 4:1-9, 16; Deuteronomy 18:15; John 6:14).

Indeed, what more could He have done? He fulfilled the words of Isaiah in giving sight to the blind and causing the lame to walk (Isaiah 35:5-6). He raised the dead (Luke 7:14-15)! He commanded the wind and the waves (Mark 4:39). He walked out of His own tomb after men had done the worst they could do to Him (Luke 24:5-6). What else would we have Him do to show that His words are the very message of God?

I've heard arguments that others performed miraculous healings in those days. Really? Where is the record of them? There are a couple of stories of miraculous healings but nothing that even comes close to the accounts we have of Jesus' ministry. Numerous times it is said that He healed all who came to Him (Matthew 8:16). Those who reject the gospel must believe that the men who wrote the record, men about whom many historians make mention, were all liars or that Jesus was the greatest fraud to have ever lived. It is a deliberate choice to reject the gospel once it has been read and considered. One of the greatest witnesses we can give to others is to put the story of the eyewitnesses into their hands and challenge them to read and consider it.

Consider: The Pocket Testament League provides the Gospel of John to all who would like to distribute it. Why not have some on hand to give to those to whom the Holy Spirit prompts you to give it? (See ptl.org.)