3/20 Luke 19:27
27 "'But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.'"
The Gospels have two parables about a master, also called a nobleman, who gives money to his servants to invest while he is away for a time (Matthew 25:14-30). Luke tells us a version of the parable in which a nobleman goes away to receive a kingdom. This is similar to an actual historical event that happened around that same time. Herod had gone to receive authority from Caesar to govern the area and the Jews had sent a delegation to argue against Herod ruling. When Herod returned, he executed those who openly opposed his rule. The parable was interwoven with an historical event to cause the hearers to think about the consequences of rejecting the Messiah.
The main theme of the parable and the similar one in Matthew is that our lives are short and we have the obligation to invest the gifts we've been given from God. We will give an account for God's investment in us (Romans 14:12). God will reward those who use their gifts by giving them more authority in His service. He will punish those who hide their gifts or refuse to use them. But Luke's version adds another key point. There are those who resist the authority of the king. Just as Herod destroyed those who resisted his reign, will not God who is righteous judge those who resist His good rule over us?
We see Jesus' gracious and forgiving heart on the cross when He asked for God to forgive those who crucified Him (Luke 23:34). However, there will come a day when the King returns to judge the earth. God will have extended grace and mercy to the limit, and still there will be those who resist His reign. Jesus spoke of judgment and hell so that no one would mistake His gracious actions during His incarnation with the final judgment when He returns to reign. In Christ we see the perfect blend of grace and justice that describe portions of His nature. All of His perfect attributes are summed up in the term "holy."
Consider: In our day there is an emphasis on the goodness and mercy of God without a warning of a final judgment. While we need to demonstrate love, love does not neglect to warn of a coming day of justice.