2/3 Mark 9:37
37 "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me."
The disciples were arguing about which of them would hold the highest position when Jesus set up His kingdom. Jesus told them that they had things upside down. The greatest was the servant. Jesus' life exemplified that truth. To drive the point home, Jesus set a child in their midst. He then spoke the words in our verse for today.
What was Jesus telling them? If you recall the other account of the parents bringing their children to Jesus, you'll remember that the disciples tried to turn them away (Mark 10:14). Children were not so important in the world of the first century. An important person couldn't be bothered with children. But Jesus was showing the disciples that their idea of greatness was not God's idea of greatness. Influencing these little lives with the love of God was a great act. To love a child whom God made in His own image is to love God. To receive a child is to receive Jesus and the Father. A godly person loves children and welcomes time with them.
This teaching was so shocking to the disciples that they remembered it, and Mark recorded it for all future followers of Jesus. Don't be confused by the world's idea of greatness. A great person does not bark out orders and expect to be served. Rather a great one loves individuals and sees the potential in them. Great people know that Jesus died for people, which makes them priceless. They care about the least. That is true greatness.
Prayer: Lord, please bless every caregiver and every teacher who shows the love of God to these You made in Your image. Help us to see how You value us all.