9/14 Isaiah 42:6-7
6 "I am the LORD; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, 7 to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.
This is one of a number of Isaiah's suffering-servant songs. The Messiah, Jesus, is referred to as God's righteous servant. He is the only One that was truly righteous when God called Him to take on the task of redeeming fallen mankind. This chapter immediately follows our passage from yesterday. In that passage God promised to take hold of the hand of His children. In this passage, He promises to take the Messiah by the hand. It is comforting to know that just as God held the hand of Jesus and walked with Him, He will take our hand and walk with us.
God did keep Jesus from all the plots against His life. The final covenant with man was made in Jesus' blood. The previous covenants that were sealed in blood all looked forward to this final covenant in the sinless blood of Christ. His life-blood paid the just penalty for our sins. His words, life, death, and resurrection are a light to the nations. The world has been in the darkness of false religions that offer no true hope. The light of the gospel is liberating them and bringing them into an eternal covenant with God through Jesus. Our bondage to false beliefs and to sin is broken by the power of His Spirit and we are released from our self-imposed prisons. We were blind, but now we see.
Having traveled to many third-world countries, I can tell you that the believers in those countries shine with the light of Jesus. Those who are still in the darkness of the prisons of false beliefs see the light on the believers' faces and are coming to Jesus. Those blinded by their sin are seeing for the first time. The fields are white unto harvest. When this gospel is preached in all the world as a witness to all people, then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).
Consider: No matter what culture you live in, if Christ is your life, you are a light to those who sit in darkness. Shine!