October 23

Psalms 100:2, 4-5 2Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs

4Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Our coming together to worship should be a joyful event. The LORD desires that we worship with gladness. That does not mean that we will never be downcast or troubled, but when we come to worship Him, to turn our eyes from the world to our great God, it should fill our hearts with joy. There is an answer to the world's condition. He should be the subject of our joyful songs of worship.

As they entered the gates of the temple, they were to enter with thanksgiving. Even in the worst of personal or national situations, God has still blessed you with life, breath, and so many good things. Prayer is coming into the heavenly temple. When we come, we need to come thanking God for His goodness in our lives, before we present our burdens. They were to enter the courts of the LORD with praise. When we come together in our churches or in united prayer, praise should always be the first thing from our lips. If we could see in the spirit, we would see our blessings far outweigh our troubles. In case we didn't get the point, the psalmist repeats the theme, "give thanks to him and praise His name."

Then he tells us why. The LORD is good. It is not the LORD who has brought evil into your life. If it is chastening from the LORD, it is for your eternal good. Only good comes from His hands to his children. That is because His love endures forever. You may have turned from Him, ignored His love, and broken His heart, but His love endures forever. In every generation He is faithful. That is why you should come to Him with praise, with joy and gladness. If He was in the least bit different, or changed, you might have reason to be gloomy, but He is the LORD. He never changes. That is something to be joyful about regardless of present circumstances.

Remember: You can count on His love! Come to Him with a thankful heart of praise today!