6/20 2 Chronicles 32:25

25 But Hezekiah did not make return according to the benefit done to him, for his heart was proud. Therefore wrath came upon him and Judah and Jerusalem.

Hezekiah was dying when the prophet told him God heard his cries and would extend his life fifteen years. During those extra years Hezekiah showed his great treasures to emissaries from Babylon. Things began to unravel. It was the pride in his heart that led him to do that. He did repent and humbled himself.

Our verse today warns us that when God has blessed a life with special grace and mercy, He expects a return in accordance with those blessings. God had spared the nation from its fallen condition, renewed their power and wealth, miraculously healed Hezekiah and extended his life. What should the response have been? It should certainly not have been a prideful heart that went its own way.

What has God done for you? Has He blessed you with salvation? He's given you His Word to guide you. Think of all He has personally done for you. Count your blessings. What would be the appropriate response to all the blessings you have received? One thing is for certain; it should not be to say that what we have was obtained by our own power or clever thinking. Let us humbly acknowledge that every good thing we have is from the gracious goodness of God (James 1:17).

Prayer: LORD, keep my heart humble before You. Keep me from going my own way in pride. Help me to always acknowledge before all that every blessing I have been given is from Your gracious hand.