August 5

2 Chronicles 12:12,14 12Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the LORD's anger turned from him, and he was not totally destroyed. Indeed, there was some good in Judah...

14He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the LORD.

We all have an immediate testimony and a life testimony. At this point, near the end of Rehoboam's life, he had a good testimony. It took being conquered and nearly destroyed to turn him from pride to humility, but at least he turned in the right direction unlike some of the kings that followed him. This was really the spiritual high point of his life. We can only guess what Israel would have been like had he served the LORD all his life, following the example of his grandfather David.

From this point forward, the kings will have one of two epitaphs. They have this one that Rehoboam had of doing evil and not setting his heart on seeking the LORD or one of walking in the path of King David. In the north they were likened to Jeroboam who led the nation into idolatry. It was black and white. The testimony of our life is good or evil. It has to do with where we have set our heart. Where is your compass pointed? On what tower have you leaned your life's ladder?

Rehoboam had set his course for greed and self-fulfillment early on and stayed with that coarse almost to the end. Only disaster and the threat of destruction would turn him at the end of his life. What will it take to turn you? If you are set on self and not your Creator, you will have the same epitaph as Rehoboam.

Consider: The sooner you turn and set your heart upon God, the more likely your life's testimony will be changed.