6/11 2 Chronicles 6:9
9 Nevertheless, it is not you who shall build the house, but your son who shall be born to you shall build the house for my name.
As with many of the prophetic passages in the Scriptures, this promise had multiple meanings. In the last devotion we saw that the Temple was a foreshadowing of what God intended to do in making a temple up of living stones, which is all who believe in Jesus. The earthly Temple was built by Solomon, a son of David. The temple of living stones is built by Jesus, a son of David.
We are often misdirected by thinking that a program or a method will build the temple. Jesus told Peter, "I will build my church." (Matthew 16:18) Certainly, God can work through us to point others to Christ, but the church is built by Him. He is the One who draws people. He is the One who shapes us. He is the One who places us where we should be for our growth and the growth of those He places in fellowship with us.
I've been to a number of church growth conferences, but never heard anyone declare the truth of this prophecy and of Jesus' words. Man always thinks that he can do something with his bright ideas. Then, if he is successful, who gets the glory? As Solomon declared, "Who is able to build Him a house?" Certainly, only Jesus is capable of building a house magnificent enough for Almighty God.
Consider: The only real church-growth plan is to allow the Lord to use you. Be sensitive to His Spirit and obey Him, and you will see the church grow.