MorningMay 18
1 Samuel 16:23 23Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.
The Spirit of God departed from Saul and an evil spirit was sent by God to trouble him. Evil spirits are always waiting to trouble us, but they need permission to attack those who belong to God. A spirit was given permission to oppress Saul. It would put him in a foul mood. Saul invited this spirit through his disobedience and pride. Nevertheless, he did not like the effects the spirit produced. Someone in his court suggested that music would cause the spirit to leave him. David was called in to play the harp. The man who has been anointed the next king was called to help Saul deal with the consequences of his choices.
It worked. Music seemed to bring the king relief. It works for us too. You'll find that when you are in a foul mood, if you will listen to praise music. You will be uplifted, and your mind will pull out of the rut in which it seems to be stuck. If, by faith, you can sing, you'll feel much better. I have even made up songs to deal with certain attacks of the enemy. God allows this to strengthen and test us or wake us up to our sin. In many cities you can turn on Christian radio and get instant help through the songs of praise.
Why was David's music so effective? The Spirit of the LORD had come upon David in power. (1Samuel 16:13) A worshiping saint causes the enemy to cringe and flee. There are accounts of the wonders that praise music has done in asylums. It is a powerful tool. Use it for the glory of God.
Consider: How can I have praise music available for times when I struggle?