12/25 Revelation 1:5

5. . . and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood . . .

Christmas Day is often focused on material things. I hope that in your home you take the time to focus it on Jesus coming into the world to show us the love of God and free us from our sins by His blood. The Christmas presents we open today will most likely be in the garbage dump ten years from now. But what Jesus has done and all He means to us will only grow throughout eternity.

We begin the devotions in Revelation with a reminder that Jesus is the faithful witness of God's nature. He spoke only what He heard from the Father. He did only what He saw the Father doing. He perfectly represented God in everything He said and did. If we want to know God, we must look at the life of Jesus.

While Jesus was born in Bethlehem at a specific time in history, He was also later to become the firstborn from the dead. That means He was the first to be resurrected into His eternal body. The day will come when all who believe in Him will experience the same physical resurrection. In the meantime, our spirits will be with Him awaiting that glorious day.

Consider: Because we know that this world and everything in it will pass away, shouldn't our focus this Christmas and every day be on our Savior?