12/6 1 Peter 1:22
22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.
Peter is describing the life that has been transformed through Jesus' death and resurrection. He tells us this new life should be holy in all that we do. The cost of redemption was more than silver or gold. It was the precious blood of Christ. Knowing God loves us to such a great extent and paid such a high price, we are expected to live a life of real meaning and purpose. Our deeds will one day be judged.
This is why we sincerely love one another. The life of Jesus in us is love. Our new heart has brotherly love for the family of God who has also been redeemed by the blood of Christ. But Peter is telling us to go even further and love others with God's love. That is an intense love that is willing to sacrifice for the ones you hold dear. This kind of love can only come from a heart that is kept pure of selfishness.
This struggle to keep our hearts free of selfishness is perhaps our greatest battle after coming to Christ. We need to do what Peter commands earlier in the chapter. In verse 13 he tells us to prepare our minds for action, being self-controlled, and setting our hope fully on the grace we will receive when Jesus comes again.
Consider: Our thought life and our desires must be subject to the reality of the purchase price of our redemption. Our thoughts and desires should be controlled by a constant awareness of Jesus' imminent return.