October 27

1 Timothy 2:5-6 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men–the testimony given in its proper time.

Man always tries to step into the role that is reserved for Christ alone. Fortune telling, speaking to the dead, or any other means of communing with God than through Christ Jesus are all subverting the role of our one mediator. Cult leaders steal this role with devastating consequences to those who allow them in that position. God wants to speak personally with you through His Son.

Under the Old Covenant, the prophet and priest stood in this intervening place. Because the Spirit of God was not poured out on all men, those who had the Spirit upon them spoke in the place of God. Though the gift of prophecy is in the church today, the office of prophet ceased with John the Baptist (Luke 16:16). Now that the Spirit is poured out, we are all called to be priests. We can all come boldly to the throne of grace. The Holy Spirit can speak directly to us. You don't need a prophet to tell you what God is saying, for your mediator is Christ alone. The gift of prophecy may confirm what the Spirit is speaking to your heart, but it is not the infallible Word of God. We are to test all prophecy to see that it lines up with the Word. The Word has been made flesh, Jesus, our mediator.

What a wonderful mediator we have! If you are in trouble with another person, you want someone who is impartial, yet, you want someone who has your best interest at heart. Sin makes us all in trouble with God, yet our mediator Christ Jesus is ever present before God, interceding on our behalf. You couldn't ask for a better mediator. He paid our debt for us so that we could be right with the Father. Now He mediates our prayer requests. He intercedes for our spiritual growth. He presents requests according to the perfect will of God in order that we might be found faultless at the Day of Christ.

Consider: Jesus is the only Mediator that God accepts. He is the One who shares the Father's heart. Thank the Father for providing the perfect mediator.