10/8 Colossians 3:23
23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
The Christian work ethic has a productive influence on society. The idea is that we glorify God by doing the best possible job possible. One Christian group (the Shakers) took it to such an extent that their furniture and style has been highly sought long after the movement ceased.
We must remember that many of the church in the first century were slaves. The influence of their work done as unto the Lord got the attention of their fellow slaves and their owners, leading many to Christ. This makes all work a sacred occupation.
When we think of the Sabbath commandment, we sometimes forget that it includes, "Six days you shall labor..." (Exodus 20:9). Though the curse included earning our living by the sweat of our face (Genesis 3:19), we can turn it into a blessed activity when we do so in a manner that glorifies God. Every area in which man labors needs a witness of what that work would look like if Jesus were doing it.
Consider: Do you think the carpentry or stonework Jesus did would have been inferior to anyone else's work? His desire to please the Father in everything began long before His official ministry. What would working at your occupation look like if Jesus were doing it? That's your goal, and for the same reason.