6/9 Romans 1:11-12

11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you- 12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

When brothers and sisters in Christ meet, they should mutually be encouraged by each other's faith. Paul knew that Christ in Him and Christ in them would enable them to build one another up. He knew he had special gifts, but he knew that they had special gifts, too. The apostle Paul was not arrogant, as some claim. He knew he was the worst of sinners who needed the encouragement of the body of Christ (1Timothy 1:16).

I remember one particular brother who, when he saw me, would always ask what the Lord was showing me. It was an invitation to share what I was learning. Then he would add to it. We always mutually encouraged and strengthened each other. Life's journey is difficult enough. We don't need to lord it over one another or dwell on our differences. What we need is mutual upbuilding (Romans 14:19).

Knowing that I would be asked to share caused me to make an effort to keep in mind the things the Lord was showing me in His Word. That helped me to retain what I was learning. Whether I was more mature in the Lord than that brother who always asked me did not matter. We were strengthening one another. We were growing together in the Lord. This is so needed in the church today.

Consider: Instead of common small talk, why not begin our conversation with someone we know is in Christ with this question: "What has the Lord been showing you?" Be ready to share with others what the Lord has recently shown you.