June 21

John 12:32-33 32But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." 33He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.

Jesus was responding to the Greeks who wanted to talk to Him. The ancients had a fable that spoke of a chain that Jupiter could let down to the earth to draw it and all its inhabitants to himself. It may have been to this image in the Greek mind that He spoke of when He indicated the form of His death. It was not in a display of power but of surrender to the Father out of love for mankind that the world would be drawn to Him. Even now, the drawing power of the cross reaches into our hearts and speaks of love that is greater than we dare dream.

The power of the cross that says God loves me enough to give His only Son, draws us out of our fear and the selfish demands that we cling to. It is in beholding this love that we find birthed in us a love that draws us out of all that would hold us back from becoming the servants of such a loving King.

Jesus knew the death that awaited Him. He saw it in the Scriptures. He heard it from the Father. He warned His disciples to lessen the shock that it would have on their faith. How could they understand that this would be the expression of love that would draw all men to Him? The sooner we learn to trust in that love combined with the power of His sovereignty over all things, the sooner we will rest in the peace it offers us. There we are drawn ever closer.

Consider: Are you allowing yourself to be drawn to Him?